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Kendall future projections for cold storage installation

Source:上海冷库公司Editor:Author:http://www.shkende.cHits:Post time:2013-12-26 10:51
Determine the status of the development of the number of cold storage installation faster pace , planning larger, which is relative to the Chinese demand for cold storage relative terms , more than 1,700 tons of planning , with an average annual increase of 7.94% , an increase of more than government control of cold storage data 8,000,000 tons , which is the recent " cold heat" concrete reflection , this does not contain local , cold storage companies below the limit does not include it .

At that time the existence of a wide variety of questions is summed up in the most prominent question is threefold:

First, irrational, mainly: ( 1 ) commodity irrational, emphasis on meat, fruits and vegetables , aquatic products, while smaller proportion of other products and unreasonable ; unreasonable ( 2 ) the spatial layout of , mainly in Shanghai , Beijing , Jiangsu, Shandong , Liaoning, Hainan, and other local relative lack of ; ( 3 ) type unreasonable , such as single- traditional cold storage, cold storage more traditional multi-layer , three-dimensional overhead library , energy intelligent library is relatively small .

The second is " double ", "two light" , mainly for heavy construction , re-create the city , light carriers , light handle , making economic, social and ecological benefits of cold storage is not obvious.

I speak of " two light" doubt, " two light " refers to light operating light handle . Many seminars cold contempt cold storage operations, cold storage does not attach importance to discuss the subject , object , object, pattern , many cold become "dead pool", the operator is not up, or dysfunctional . Many cold contempt handle cold storage , for a lower level , for the time-consuming , energy is not enough , leading to economic, social and ecological benefits of cold storage than the poor .

The third is "heavy amount" "light quality and efficiency ." Nearly 10 years , with the joint role of the state , collective, individual, private , foreign investment , China has been an unprecedented development of cold storage , a larger number of construction, planning a larger , 100,000 tons , 200,000 tons of cold storage to increase the number of start , but many long-standing use of the old drawings.

Thus , the future development trend of cold storage is determined by the quantity expansion to quality and economic returns from the investment point of transition to the chain of investment , it is necessary to follow changes in domestic and international economic environment change.

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